
Parent Education and Resources

  • Facts about milk and solids – Milk is still the most important food for a baby up until they are (8)+ months old. Offer a milk feed before solids until your child reaches age to take solids.
  • Beyond (8) months solids can be offered before milk feeds and can replace some milk feeds in the day, eg lunch
  • You should always keep note of your baby poops and what their poop is like.
  • It is important to change your humidifier’s filter(s) once every (3) months. If humidifier is used daily, replace the filter every (2) months. The filters are treated with a coating that slows mold growth but doesn’t repel mold.
  • Observe newborns spit-ups during breasts or bottle feedings it can be a sign of colic or acid reflux. 
  • Newborn babies can be circumcised. It is very important to call a doctor if you see symptoms on the penis that are listed on the postoperative instructions given by the doctor.  Please attend all follow-up visits to ensure proper healing has occurred.


CPR training resources

Water Safety resources- for our little ones that love the water… Splash! Splash